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Into Film

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Into Film is an education organisation providing a unified UK-wide offer for learning through and about film. It is supported by the British Film Institute (BFI) through Lottery funding and its programme includes delivery of the BFI 5-19 education scheme. Into Film's resources range from film discussion guides, to curriculum linked worksheets, lesson plans and presentations. Our resources are tailored to fit the curriculum criteria of each nation, supporting learning outcomes.




Into Film is an education organisation providing a unified UK-wide offer for learning through and about film. It is supported by the British Film Institute (BFI) through Lottery funding and its programme includes delivery of the BFI 5-19 education scheme. Into Film's resources range from film discussion guides, to curriculum linked worksheets, lesson plans and presentations. Our resources are tailored to fit the curriculum criteria of each nation, supporting learning outcomes.
Mini Filmmaking Guides: Introduction

Mini Filmmaking Guides: Introduction

The mini filmmaking guides explain professional filmmaking techniques and provide tips to help you apply them yourself. There are also practical tasks to help you practise the techniques and further develop your understanding of filmmaking. If you want to work through the film production process in order, you can read the guides from beginning to end. Alternatively, if you already have some knowledge, just select the mini guides you need to fill any gaps in your understanding. Mae'r canllawiau byr creu ffilm yn esbonio'r technegau proffesiynol a ddefnyddwyd yn yr diwydiant ac yn darparu awgrymiadau i'ch helpu i greu eich hymdrechion eu hunain. Mae yna hefyd tasgau ymarferol i'ch helpu chi i ymarfer y technegau a datblygu ymhellach eich dealltwriaeth o'r byd ffilm. Os ydych am weithio drwy'r broses gynhyrchu ffilm mewn trefn, gallwch ddarllen y canllawiau o'r dechrau i'r diwedd. Fel arall, os oes gennych rywfaint o wybodaeth yn barod, dewiswch y ddogfen perthnasol i unrhyw fylchau yn eich dealltwriaeth.
Exhibition & Distribution: 2. Distribute Your Film

Exhibition & Distribution: 2. Distribute Your Film

This resource provides young people with a number of helpful tips on getting their films seem by a wide audience. This includes tips and suggestions for entering youth film festivals and also national filmmaking competitions. The guide is recommended for young people aged 13 to 19 for them to engage with filmmaking directly and without the support of an adult. This resource forms part of a collection of mini filmmaking guides for young people covering the key aspects of the five stages of film production. Mae’r adnodd yma’n darparu nifer o awgrymiadau defnyddiol i gael eu ffilmiau wedi’u gweld gan gynulleidfa ehangach. Mae hyn yn cynnwys cyngor ac awgrymiadau i gystadlu mewn g?yliau ffilm ieuenctid a chystadleuthau creu ffilm cenedlaethol. Awgrymir defnyddio’r canllaw yma gyda phobl ifanc rhwng 13 a 19 oed i’w hymgysylltu â chreu ffilmiau uniongyrchol a heb gymorth oedolyn. Mae'r adnodd hwn yn rhan o gasgliad o ganllawiau ffilmiau ar gyfer pobl ifanc, sy'n edrych ar bump cam allweddol o gynhyrchu ffilm.
Exhibition & Distribution 1: Screen Your film

Exhibition & Distribution 1: Screen Your film

This resource introduces young people to the exhibition and distribution stage of film production. This resource provides a number of helpful tips on sharing short films with others both through online platforms and at local screenings. The guide is recommended for young people aged 13 to 19 for them to engage with filmmaking directly and without the support of an adult. This resource forms part of a collection of mini filmmaking guides for young people covering the key aspects of the five stages of film production. Mae’r adnodd yma’n cyflwyno’r bobl ifanc i’r camau o arddangos a dosbarthu ffilm. Mae’r adnodd yma’n cynnig nifer o awgrymiadau defnyddiol ar sut i rhannu’r ffilm fer gydag eraill ar-lein ac mewn dangosiadau lleol. Awgrymir defnyddio’r canllaw yma gyda phobl ifanc rhwng 13 a 19 oed i’w hymgysylltu â chreu ffilmiau uniongyrchol a heb gymorth oedolyn. Mae'r adnodd hwn yn rhan o gasgliad o ganllawiau ffilmiau ar gyfer pobl ifanc, sy'n edrych ar bump cam allweddol o gynhyrchu ffilm.
Post-Production 2: Sound Effects and Music

Post-Production 2: Sound Effects and Music

This resource provides young people with an overview of adding sound effects and music in the post-production stage of the filmmaking process. This includes links for sourcing copyright-free music and creating an original soundtrack for a short film. The guide is recommended for young people aged 13 to 19 for them to engage with filmmaking directly and without the support of an adult.This resource forms part of a collection of mini filmmaking guides for young people covering the key aspects of the five stages of film production. Mae’r adnodd hwn yn cynnig trosolwg i bobl ifanc ar sut i ychwanegu effeithiau sain a cherddoriaeth yng ngyfnod ôl-gynhyrchu o greu ffilm. Mae hyn yn cynnwys cyfeiriadau ar sut i ddarganfod cerddoriaeth di-hawlfraint a chreu traciau sain gwreiddiol ar gyfer ffilm fer. Awgrymir defnyddio’r canllaw yma gyda phobl ifanc rhwng 13 a 19 oed i’w hymgysylltu â chreu ffilmiau uniongyrchol a heb gymorth oedolyn. Mae'r adnodd hwn yn rhan o gasgliad o ganllawiau ffilmiau ar gyfer pobl ifanc, sy'n edrych ar bump cam allweddol o gynhyrchu ffilm.
Post-Production 1: Edit Filmed Footage

Post-Production 1: Edit Filmed Footage

This resource introduces young people to the post-production stage of film production. This resource provides young people with an overview of the editing process using software packages. This includes uploading and tagging film clips, assembling a rough cut, trimming and adding transitions, titles and credits. The guide is recommended for young people aged 13 to 19 for them to engage with filmmaking directly and without the support of an adult. This resource forms part of a collection of mini filmmaking guides for young people covering the key aspects of the five stages of film production. Mae’r adnodd yma yn cyflwyno’r bobl ifanc i’r elfen o ôl-gynhyrchu o greu ffilm. Mae’r adnodd yn darparu trosolwg o’r broses olygu gan ddefnyddio meddalwedd. Mae hyn yn cynnwys uwchlwytho a thagio clipiau ffilm, casglu ffilm heb ei dorri at ei gilydd, trimio ac ychwanegu trawsnewidiadau, teitlau a credyd. Awgrymir defnyddio’r canllaw yma gyda phobl ifanc rhwng 13 a 19 oed i’w hymgysylltu â chreu ffilmiau uniongyrchol a heb gymorth oedolyn. Mae'r adnodd hwn yn rhan o gasgliad o ganllawiau ffilmiau ar gyfer pobl ifanc, sy'n edrych ar bump cam allweddol o gynhyrchu ffilm.
Production 5: Stay Safe and Observe Set Etiquette

Production 5: Stay Safe and Observe Set Etiquette

This resource provides young people with a useful checklist for assessing risks associated with shooting a short film to ensure everyone is safe on set. It also provides the rules of set etiquette to ensure production is professional and efficient. The guide is recommended for young people aged 13 to 19 for them to engage with filmmaking directly and without the support of an adult. This resource forms part of a collection of mini filmmaking guides for young people covering the key aspects of the five stages of film production. Mae’r adnodd yma darparu restrau gwirio ar gyfer asesiadau risg sy’n gysyllteidig â chreu ffilm i wneud yn siwr fod pawb yn ddiogel. Mae hefyd yn darparu arferion da i sicrhau fod y cynhyrchiad yn broffesiynol ac effeithiol. Awgrymir defnyddio’r canllaw yma gyda phobl ifanc rhwng 13 a 19 oed i’w hymgysylltu â chreu ffilmiau uniongyrchol a heb gymorth oedolyn. Mae'r adnodd hwn yn rhan o gasgliad o ganllawiau ffilmiau ar gyfer pobl ifanc, sy'n edrych ar bump cam allweddol o gynhyrchu ffilm.
Production 4: Record Sound

Production 4: Record Sound

This resource reinforces the importance of good quality sound when making short films. It provides a summary of the different types of sound that can be used in film with tips on creating original sound effects. The guide is recommended for young people aged 13 to 19 for them to engage with filmmaking directly and without the support of an adult. This resource forms part of a collection of mini filmmaking guides for young people covering the key aspects of the five stages of film production. Mae’r adnodd yma’n atgyfnerthu pwysigrwydd sain da mewn ffilm fer. Mae’n rhoi crynodeb o wahanol fathau o sain sy’n gallu cael eu defnyddio mewn ffilm gydag awgrymiadau ar sut i greu effeithiau sain gwreiddiol. Awgrymir defnyddio’r canllaw yma gyda phobl ifanc rhwng 13 a 19 oed i’w hymgysylltu â chreu ffilmiau uniongyrchol a heb gymorth oedolyn. Mae'r adnodd hwn yn rhan o gasgliad o ganllawiau ffilmiau ar gyfer pobl ifanc, sy'n edrych ar bump cam allweddol o gynhyrchu ffilm.
Production 3: Master the Camera

Production 3: Master the Camera

This resource introduces young people to a wide range of camera shots, angles and movements with explanations of how to achieve them and the effect this has on narrative and making a film look more cinematic. The guide is recommended for young people aged 13 to 19 for them to engage with filmmaking directly and without the support of an adult. This resource forms part of a collection of mini filmmaking guides for young people covering the key aspects of the five stages of film production. Mae'r adnodd hwn yn cyflwyno pobl ifanc i ystod eang o siotiau camera, onglau a symudiadau gan esbonio sut i'w cyflawni a'r effaith gaiff hyn ar naratif a sut y maent yn gwneud i ffilm yn edrych yn fwy sinematig. Awgrymir defnyddio’r canllaw yma gyda phobl ifanc rhwng 13 a 19 oed i’w hymgysylltu â chreu ffilmiau uniongyrchol a heb gymorth oedolyn. Mae'r adnodd hwn yn rhan o gasgliad o ganllawiau ffilmiau ar gyfer pobl ifanc, sy'n edrych ar bump cam allweddol o gynhyrchu ffilm.
Production 2: Get Set Up

Production 2: Get Set Up

This resource provides young people with a range of practical tips and advice on setting up their filmmaking equipment before they start shooting. This includes selecting the right camera, use of a tripod, setting up the camera and framing and composition. The guide is recommended for young people aged 13 to 19 for them to engage with filmmaking directly and without the support of an adult. This resource forms part of a collection of mini filmmaking guides for young people covering the key aspects of the five stages of film production. Mae’r adnodd yma’n darparu ystod eang o awgrymiadau ymarferol a chyngor ar sut i baratoi’r cyfarpar ffilmio cyn eu defnyddio. Mae hyn yn cynnwys dewis y camera cywir, defnyddio tripod, paratoi’r camrera a fframio a chyfansoddiad. Awgrymir defnyddio’r canllaw yma gyda phobl ifanc rhwng 13 a 19 oed i’w hymgysylltu â chreu ffilmiau uniongyrchol a heb gymorth oedolyn. Mae'r adnodd hwn yn rhan o gasgliad o ganllawiau ffilmiau ar gyfer pobl ifanc, sy'n edrych ar bump cam allweddol o gynhyrchu ffilm.
Production 1: Light a film set

Production 1: Light a film set

This resource introduces young people to the production stage of film production. It provides an overview of how to set up your lighting in accordance with professional practice as well as tips on creating home made lighting solutions and making the most of natural light sources. The guide is recommended for young people aged 13 to 19 for them to engage with filmmaking directly and without the support of an adult. This resource forms part of a collection of mini filmmaking guides for young people covering the key aspects of the five stages of film production. Mae’r adnodd yma’n cyflwyno bobl ifanc i’r elfen gynhyrchu o greu ffilm. Mae’n darparu trosolwg o sut i osod goleuo yn unol ag arferion proffesiynol yn ogystal ag awgrymiadau ar sut i ddatrus problemau goleuo a defnyddio’r mwyaf o olau naturiol. Awgrymir defnyddio’r canllaw yma gyda phobl ifanc rhwng 13 a 19 oed i’w hymgysylltu â chreu ffilmiau uniongyrchol a heb gymorth oedolyn. Mae'r adnodd hwn yn rhan o gasgliad o ganllawiau ffilmiau ar gyfer pobl ifanc, sy'n edrych ar bump cam allweddol o gynhyrchu ffilm.
Pre-Production 4: Source costumes, Make-up & Props

Pre-Production 4: Source costumes, Make-up & Props

This resources provides young people with a range of practical tips on designing and sourcing costumes, finding and creating props and creating effects with make-up.The guide is recommended for young people aged 13 to 19 for them to engage with filmmaking directly and without the support of an adult. This resource forms part of a collection of mini filmmaking guides for young people covering the key aspects of the five stages of film production. Mae’r adnodd yma’n cynnig awgrymiadau i bobl ifanc ar sut i greu a chasglu gwisgoedd at eu gilydd, darganfod a chreu props a chreu effeithiau gyda cholur. Awgrymir defnyddio’r canllaw yma gyda phobl ifanc rhwng 13 a 19 oed i’w hymgysylltu â chreu ffilmiau uniongyrchol a heb gymorth oedolyn. Mae'r adnodd hwn yn rhan o gasgliad o ganllawiau ffilmiau ar gyfer pobl ifanc, sy'n edrych ar bump cam allweddol o gynhyrchu ffilm.
Pre-Production 3: Create a Storyboard and a Shot List

Pre-Production 3: Create a Storyboard and a Shot List

This resource will help young people to develop their script into a storyboard. It covers different storyboard structures and the elements of the film that need to be recorded on the storyboard to help with planning, the shoot and later, the edit. There is also a template for young people to use for their own storyboard. The guide is recommended for young people aged 13 to 19 for them to engage with filmmaking directly and without the support of an adult. This resource forms part of a collection of mini filmmaking guides for young people covering the key aspects of the five stages of film production. Mae’r adnodd yma i helpu bobl ifanc i ddatblygu eu sgript i mewn i fwrddstori. Mae’n edrych ar wahanol fathau o strwythurau bwrddstori a’r elfennau sydd angen eu cofnodi sy’n gymorth wrth gynllunio, saethu a'r golygu yn hwyrach. Mae hefyd templed o fwrddstori ar gael i’r bobl ifanc. Awgrymir defnyddio’r canllaw yma gyda phobl ifanc rhwng 13 a 19 oed i’w hymgysylltu â chreu ffilmiau uniongyrchol a heb gymorth oedolyn. Mae'r adnodd hwn yn rhan o gasgliad o ganllawiau ffilmiau ar gyfer pobl ifanc, sy'n edrych ar bump cam allweddol o gynhyrchu ffilm.
Pre-Production 2: Scout for Locations

Pre-Production 2: Scout for Locations

This resource provides young people with a range of practical tips on selecting film locations to establish the settings of their story. This includes a consideration of health and safety to ensure locations are suitable. The guide is recommended for young people aged 13 to 19 for them to engage with filmmaking directly and without the support of an adult.This resource forms part of a collection of mini filmmaking guides for young people covering the key aspects of the five stages of film production. Mae’r adnodd yma’n cynnig nifer o syniadau gwahanol ar sut i fynd ati i ddewis lleoliadau i sefydlu’r stori. Mae hyn yn cynnwys ystyriaethau iechyd a diogelwch er mwyn fod y lleoliadau’n addas. Awgrymir defnyddio’r canllaw yma gyda phobl ifanc rhwng 13 a 19 oed i’w hymgysylltu â chreu ffilmiau uniongyrchol a heb gymorth oedolyn. Mae'r adnodd hwn yn rhan o gasgliad o ganllawiau ffilmiau ar gyfer pobl ifanc, sy'n edrych ar bump cam allweddol o gynhyrchu ffilm.
Pre-Production 1: Assign Production Roles

Pre-Production 1: Assign Production Roles

This resource provides a brief overview of the key production roles and responsibilities required for the crew of a youth made short film.The guide is recommended for young people aged 13 to 19 for them to engage with filmmaking directly and without the support of an adult. This resource forms part of a collection of mini filmmaking guides for young people covering the key aspects of the five stages of film production. Mae’r adnodd yma yn rhoi trosolwg cyflym o rolau cynhyrchu a’u cyfrifoldebau wrth wneud ffilm fer. Awgrymir defnyddio’r canllaw yma gyda phobl ifanc rhwng 13 a 19 oed i’w hymgysylltu â chreu ffilmiau uniongyrchol a heb gymorth oedolyn. Mae'r adnodd hwn yn rhan o gasgliad o ganllawiau ffilmiau ar gyfer pobl ifanc, sy'n edrych ar bump cam allweddol o gynhyrchu ffilm.
Development 3: Write Your Script

Development 3: Write Your Script

This resource will help young people to refine their final film ideas into a script. This includes an overview of script conventions and tips and activities exploring visual storytelling in scriptwriting. The guide is recommended for young people aged 13 to 19 for them to engage with filmmaking directly and without the support of an adult. This resource forms part of a collection of mini filmmaking guides for young people covering the key aspects of the five stages of film production. Mae'r adnodd yma i helpu'r bobl ifanc addasu'r syniadau ffilm terfynnol i mewn i sgript. Mae hyn yn cynnwys trosolwg o strwythr sgriptiau a syniadau a gweithgareddau sy'n archwilio arfau dweud straeon gwelwldol mewn sgriptiau. Awgrymir defnyddio'r canllaw yma gyda phobl ifanc rhwng 13 a 19 oed i'w hymgysylltu â chreu ffilmiau uniongyrchol a heb gymorth oedolyn. Mae'r adnodd hwn yn rhan o gasgliad o ganllawiau ffilmiau ar gyfer pobl ifanc, sy'n edrych ar bump cam allweddol o gynhyrchu ffilm.
Development 2: Write, Test & Pitch

Development 2: Write, Test & Pitch

This resource will help young people to develop their film ideas further and refine this into a short summary. The summary can be used to describe ideas to crew members or other interested parties through the process of pitching.The guide is recommended for young people aged 13 to 19 for them to engage with filmmaking directly and without the support of an adult.This resource forms part of a collection of mini filmmaking guides for young people covering the key aspects of the five stages of film production. Mae’r adnodd yma i helpu bobl ifanc ddatblygu eu syniadau ffilm ymhellach a’i gwtogi i grynodeb byr. Gall y crynodeb ei ddefnyddio i ddisgrifio syniadau i aelodau'r criw neu uniogolion sydd â diddordeb drwy'r broses pitsio. Awgrymir defnyddio’r canllaw yma gyda phobl ifanc rhwng 13 a 19 oed i’w hymgysylltu â chreu ffilmiau uniongyrchol a heb gymorth oedolyn. Mae'r adnodd hwn yn rhan o gasgliad o ganllawiau ffilmiau ar gyfer pobl ifanc, sy'n edrych ar bump cam allweddol o gynhyrchu ffilm.
Development 1: Develop Your Film Idea

Development 1: Develop Your Film Idea

This resource introduces young people to the development stage of film production. It includes top tips and activities covering themes, premise, character development, genre and different types of story structure to help them develop their film ideas. The guide is recommended for young people aged 13 to 19 for them to engage with filmmaking directly and without the support of an adult. This resource forms part of a collection of mini filmmaking guides for young people covering the key aspects of the five stages of film production. Mae'r adnodd hwn yn cyflwyno'r camau o ddatblygu o gynhyrchu ffilm i bobl ifanc. Mae'n cynnwys awgrymiadau a gweithgareddau sy'n cwmpasu themâu, syniadau, datblygu cymeriadau, genre a gwahanol fathau o strwythur stori i'w helpu datblygu eu syniadau ffilm. Awgrymir defnyddio’r canllaw yma gyda phobl ifanc rhwng 13 a 19 oed i’w hymgysylltu â chreu ffilmiau uniongyrchol a heb gymorth oedolyn. Mae'r adnodd hwn yn rhan o gasgliad o ganllawiau ffilmiau ar gyfer pobl ifanc, sy'n edrych ar bump cam allweddol o gynhyrchu ffilm.
Diversity on film: Black Star

Diversity on film: Black Star

Into Film have created a presentation suitable for assembly, club or classroom use that teachers and club leaders can use to shine a light on black filmmakers working in the industry today and to inspire young people to tell stories of their own using film. Included in the assembly are embedded video clips for interactive learning, featuring interviews with prominent black filmmakers and actors such as Letitia Wright from Black Panther,* Belle* and A United Kingdom director Amma Asante, director of Bliss! Rita Osei, Spectre actress Naomie Harris, screenwriter of Belle Misan Sangay and *12 Years A Slave *director Steve McQueen. Also included are a range of discussion points designed to raise important questions on diversity in the film industry and the importance of telling stories from different cultures. The assembly can be delivered in its entirety or used in sections for tutor sessions and the extension activities would be perfect for a homework task. Black Star is the British Film Institute’s celebration of the range, versatility and power of black actors on film and TV taking place nationwide and we’re delighted to be complementing their season with a programme of relevant films that resonate with our audience of 5-19 year olds. Embracing the BFI’s direction of illuminating on-screen talent, the films we’ve selected feature contemporary British stars of black heritage, as well as actors from the African diaspora and from throughout film history that demonstrate a real range and depth of storytelling. Visit the following link for further details on the Black Star season: http://www.bfi.org.uk/black-star
Kung Fu Panda 3 - Chopstick Challenge

Kung Fu Panda 3 - Chopstick Challenge

This immersive, exciting and varied resource will take young people on a quest to become Chopstick Warriors by teaching them about the history and handling of chopsticks. They will teach others and perform a range of challenges to perfect the art of the chopstick, then battle other competitors in school, culminating in The Rice Challenge, with the intention of being crowned Chopstick Master. Teachers are provided with a fun downloadable ‘Chopstick Challenge' resource pack that includes how to create and run a Chopstick League within their school. This is an easy to use end of term resource designed to bring the school community together with an engaging and challenging project to help celebrate the end of the school year. The DVD is on general release from July 11th 2016. The accompanying Kung Fu Panda 3 PowerPoint presentation including embedded clips can be downloaded from the Into Film website: https://www.intofilm.org/kung-fu-panda-3 Look out for the Chopstick Challenge competition coming soon! Check the Into Film Twitter page for more info.
Refugee Week Shorts

Refugee Week Shorts

This resource is for teachers and film club leaders to use to mark Refugee Week, and as stimulus to discuss the hardships and resilience of refugees around the globe. This resource contains guides to two short documentary films, Hamsa and Boya Boya (Shine Shine) which have been specially selected to be accessible to learners within the 11 to 19 age range. The guides include discussion questions, and activity ideas to encourage learners to ask and answer questions and reflect on why people seek sanctuary in other countries. For more Into Film resources and to start your free Into Film club visit www.intofilm.org